Harold Camping...it's Only Right

Posted: Thursday, May 26, 2011 by Morris in

I wouldn't be a true faith blogger, if I didn't comment on "the world coming to an end" buzz. During my blogging journey's I have come across a phenomenal mentor, Phil Cooke. He has no idea who I am but I have found his voice in the media industry very enlightening. He is a Christian who has found a way to be productive in his craft, but still vocalize, "I am Christian." In a recent blogpost of his, he gave his "two cents" on the Harold Camping matter. Here's how it begins:

As I write this, it’s 5:30am, the morning of the apocalypse. According to radio preacher Harold Camping, Jesus should be returning by 6pm California time, and the whole thing should start with a big earthquake (not entirely new to us LA people.) All other mainstream, orthodox Christians disagree (including myself) with Mr. Camping’s prediction. We believe that the Bible is right when it says that only the Father knows the day and time of His return. By 6pm, we should all see that once again Harold Camping got it wrong.

But let me tell you what he got right...
Cooke's blog goes on to say that Camping even in His passionate pursuit of sharing a biblical error (World Ending on May 21st, 2011), he still has accomplished a great feat that many Christians have barely scratched the surface on...sharing their faith and voicing truths given from God.

According to Mr. Cooke, the reason Camping was able to accomplish getting the whole world including mediums such as ESPN, LA Times, and billboards everywhere to learn of the Rapture is because he and his group of followers were "strategic, unified...and really believed their message. And when that happens, you’re not afraid to spend money, creativity, passion, and energy to make sure your story impacts people’s lives."

That last statement alone...hits me right in between the eyes. When people are unified and actually believe in what they are living for, they could care less about dollar signs, and they will do whatever necessary to share a message. As a strong Christian myself, I knew this past weekend was not the end of the world, my spirit just knew. Those like me know there are still some things that have not come to pass in Gods word. And as it says in 2 Peter 3:9-
"The Lord is not slow in keeping his word, as he seems to some, but he is waiting in mercy for you [all people], not desiring the destruction of any, but that all may be turned from their evil ways.
So, the plus is we all have an opportunity to repent, and get things right with God since He still hasn't raptured us. That is a highlight to the fiasco buzz that took place last weekend. My closing thought is...at least the whole world is talking about it now, because when it does ACTUALLY happen no one can say that they weren't warned. Those who haven’t heard the good news…your in for a treat…just know that a Heavenly Father bankrupt Heaven just to love, and save an important someone like you...yes you He loves us all...

If you want to know more connect with me on Facebook by clicking the puzzle piece, in the upper right corner.

Don't say no one told ya,
