The Digital Twin to Print Media

Posted: Thursday, May 26, 2011 by Morris in

This video shows the highly potential future of today's version of the print magazine. Similar to what is seen in the video. I aspire to create a print magazine entitled Genuine Lifestyles, with a digital component. It will be a magazine that showcases genuine stories from genuine people that want to share their experience of life and things going on around them. Topics will include discussions on deeply rooted issues or uncertainties that swarm peoples thoughts…politics, identity, relevancy of God, fashion, music, art, humor, etc. All content will be Christian Faith centered, but written in a way that both believers and non-believers can relate. I have done research and there is nothing on the market that touches my generation and the next generation’s demographic. My goal is to enlighten all to the relevancy of faith today, and how it can be genuinely expressed. It will be a magazine known for hip people, fresh concept, fun times, and a raw faith.

Besides informing you about my magazine, I'll share some good to know info about publishing your own magazine.

1. Stay away from Vanity Press's- they have proven themselves to be a waste of money, and only one sided in who makes a profit from creative material. They have you front money to buy your materials, and the materials given to you are not retail ready to sale (ie no ISBN # or Barcode).

2. Do research, and ensure that you are tapping a demographic that will reel in a descent to huge following of people. This market has been and can easily transition into being oversaturated.

3. Attempt a trial run, and attain feedback from wise counsel (agent, friends, fans, etc) before producing a final product.

4. Once your product or magazine is in finished copy status, check out Print On Demand companies. They have a positive effect on writers, or companies who use them. They print as customers make orders, rather than print upfront, and they also give you an option of your product being retail ready (ie aiding in getting your book or magazine an ISBN #/barcode).

5. Last but certainly not least be creative, attempt to produce something that will attract an audience but also perpetuate something fresh, and relevant to a transitioning world.

My Thoughts,
