Happy Birthday!!!!

Posted: Thursday, January 20, 2011 by Morris in

Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday King James Bible, Happy Birthday to you!!! As the New Year swiftly approaches 2011, and people begin to make their resolutions, and ready themselves to start a fresh, approaching is an anniversary that many are not aware of. The year 2011 marks the 400th Anniversary of the King James Bible, which is the building block of U.S. Christianity. The exact anniversary is believed to be May 5th, 1611.

As a believer and a person who finds historical facts/holidays interesting, news of this just adds to why I love the Gospel. There are so many things that come with the sometimes forgotten story of the good news. The story of Jesus dying for the sins of the world, and resurrecting to pave a way for sinners to get back to God is remembered by most. But in conjunction with that are also stories of believers who have fought to keep the pure essence of God’s word alive. Believers such as the Pilgrims, who migrated to the Americas in 1620. The Pilgrims reasons for migrating to the U.S. and birthing a new civilization are substantially due to their belief in the Bible and their desire to escape religious persecution.

In 21st century America, what started out as being one or two translations of the Bible, has now exploded into including over 80+ varieties of biblical text. Even so, questions have come up whether or not some translations hold true to the original context of Holy Scripture. That’s another story within itself, but again to know that the bible we use today has reached 400, causes me to think to myself…“wow I hold a piece of history in my hands everyday, that even though its celebrating the big 4…0…0…its life goes back even further than that.”

For a good read on the journey of the "english bible" and its travels through history check out: http://www.greatsite.com/timeline-english-bible-history/

It gave knowledge on some interesting things. I pray and know with confidence that even at 400, the bible still has a whole lot more life in it, and its not vanishing anytime soon.

The Forward Thinker,
