Viral Marketing and It’s Integration

Posted: Friday, June 17, 2011 by Morris in

I am highly interested in immersing myself in the Gospel Industry. I do not want to be considered the black guy who talks on black gospel, or the black attempting to cross over into the white contemporary Christian genre. I want to be the one who is a part of the team who fuzes the two together, seamlessly.

I find myself more and more being affiliated with endeavors that bridge the Gospel together on one platform. There’s has been a bridging in secular merging with Christianity, gospel genres, marketing on a local marketing scale attached to opportunities to belong to a national campaign. The core of my being is Music and the most recent bridge is finding ways of combining Social Media with the endeavors of independent artists, and underground venues.

I currently am brainstorming ways to build buzz of an artist that produces results in their record sales, buzz, and venue attendance etc. The brainstorming has turned into the beginning stages of a promising Viral Marketing Campaign.

“Before you can define viral marketing, the mortal must think about what they want to accomplish in their viral marketing campaign.”

Key to this campaign is to be interactive with your audience online through social media, and with sincere genuine content dispersed to that audience.

1. Potential Campaign Ideas

a. Suggesting the recording of a personal shout out to fans (:30 second – 1min duration)
- Saying Hello to Fans, informing them of upcoming events

b. Strategically release a interview of Artists thoughts behind their passion and reason of doing what they do everyday
1. This will be accomplished on Skype or some means of YouTube etc...
- this too will be no longer than 2-6 minutes

c. Then the next buzz will be to initiate an online social media competition.
- This will accomplish multiple things
1. Create buzz for new album
2. Will be an organized way of Locking in Pre-Orders
3. Provide incentives to fan to participate

I could delve deeper into what this campaign will offer, but a cook never gives over his trade secrets without a non-disclosure agreement. In closing, I foresee how just as I want to bridge the various platforms of telling the Gospel, I can also find creative ways to do that too through Marketing. In this case, I have found and learned of the means of using social media or virally supporting the endeavors of an independent artist. I am excited to see how this will flourish. Social media is like a virus that one may not want the cure for, but secretly seeks to see how far its epidemic spreads to all, while gaining buzz and the financial incentives it has to offer. This is the beginning of me being the steering arm of a potentially strong Viral Marketing Campaign. If this goes well, streams of gold are on the horizon.

