Ahmad Sanon "after the Heart of the King"

Posted: Saturday, September 18, 2010 by Morris in

In one of his various singles...coming up on his debut EP...Ahmad Sanon encourages listeners to be diligent at seeking God with the track “There is A Way.” This aspiring artist is drawing a growing audience, not by himself, but through the hope he has in the man above. Sanon is no country, stiff, church boy, but rather the contrary...He holds strong to his roots but branches out to make a style, all his own. This comes out in his multi-faceted music influences, all the way down to him wearing his classic converses. Each of his performances offer an intimate atmosphere, not through mellow lighting, but through his lyrics that can quickly be discerned from the heart. Below you will peer into the mind of the Artist, the Man, and trailblazing believer Ahmad Sanon of the Ahmad Sanon Band (ASB)...

Me: What are 2 songs that describe you or encompass your sound as an artist?

Ahmad: I would say they would have to be a mixture of old hymns mixed with rock, that good ‘ol soul...that good ‘ol timeless music, that make you go wheewwww...

Me: What keeps you going?
Ahmad: The deep answer is: what God has for me to do...nothing like being able to open your self up musically...and see people being blessed as a result of your music....

Me: Who are your influences?

Ahmad: Definitely would say my mom...she’s been a strong pillar of support in my life, and kept me in church...as for musical influences, I would say Fred Hammond, David Crowder Band, Mercy Me, William Murphy, and Israel Houghton & New Breed...

Me: In your songs or in your music, what is the story that you are trying to tell?

Ahmad: The Album is telling the story of a journey and a person finding their purpose...the story of human emotions and the paths they bring us to, and how we end up on top through the direction of Christ... I consider alot of my songs to be altars or milestones and even landmarks, which are places where God has showed himself faithful, loving, merciful etc...during particular moments in my life.

Me: Who have you worked with, who do you want to work with?
Ahmad: As a Bassist: Lonnie Hunter, Daniel Witherspoon...Dorinda Clark, CeCe Winans, Band called Fresh Fire, Craig Hayes, and Bubbie Fann... to name a few.

Me: During the process of writing a song, or even coming up with its hook, where do you pull your inspiration from?

Ahmad: It depends...I’m either messing around in the car...or even joking...and then it gets serious..and I turn those moments into potential songs. Songs just pop up at the most awkward moments...in the car, shower...no matter where they come from or when, they all come from God...

Me: Which leads to my next question, which comes first the song or the hook ?(ie chicken or the egg...lol)

Ahmad: Varies...sometimes you get a verse then it ends up being a hook and vice versa...most of the time the hook comes first though...

Me: Where does faith and the love of music, fall in your life? 

Ahmad: Well I love God and always am singing....its usually on my mind...music is apart of who I am...I breathe music...I like to write love songs about the object of my affection, and right now that object is GOD. Music is a journey, and every time I run into new stuff or discover oldies...I fall in love all over again with music.
Me: How do you present your music/faith to the world creatively?

Ahmad: Music is a language, and there are many types of languages...I’m trying to study as many styles (languages) as possible and incorporate Christ in there...with things such as life stories and show how Christ is the foundation. I love to experiment with different sounds of music in my performances, such as Rock & Roll, I try to keep these influential sounds true to form, but as my audience gets caught up in the music...they say to themselves, after nodding their head back and forth: “Dang, I’m singing about Christ...”

Me: So, who is Ahmad Sanon?

Ahmad: Im still figuring that out...so far...I can definitely tell you I’m a sinner saved by grace...lol...Ahmad Sanon...He’s a down to earth type dude...loves good music, loves to have a good time, loves family...Im just me...Ahmad is Ahmad.

Me: What's next for him?

Ahmad: Working on first project ASB “after the heart of the King” EP...thats in the forefront...hopefully in the future I will be spreading music throughout the country and even throughout the world. Within the next 2 years, I plan for an acoustic album and another full length album to flood the airwaves...

Me: Are the sounds of Gospel really for the secular world, or should they be held within the church?

Ahmad: Noooo, Gospel should not be held within the church...Gospel music pioneer Thomas A Dorcey, who was a blues singer, fused old sounds, old jazz and blues with praise hymns...and you can’t help but know that Gospel was influenced by culture. This shows traces of how the genres of Gospel were influenced by things outside of the physical “edifice” of the church. Don’t get me wrong, Gospel has its placed in the church...but the message can’t be boxed in...Jesus used secular mediums in creative ways for people to understand. Again Gospel has its place in the church but its not meant to stay within its four walls....

Me: Can Gospel even compete with Secular Music?
Ahmad: It shouldn’t, let Gospel be what it is and let it open up its own doors...singing about Christ makes its own name.....God’s view of success varies from societies view. We as Gospel Artists can effect the culture if we study the culture...our presentation just needs to be altered a little bit...

End of Interview...

Ahmad Sanon is definitely making a name for himself, and going full speed ahead in his musical journey. As He said in the interview he is letting “Gospel be what it is and letting it open up its own doors.” On Sunday is his bands Live EP recording in South Jersey. There is a thirst for what that night has to offer, and with songs such as “There is A Way” on the set list for the night, the people will surely be in for a treat. This is only the beginning for the one we have come to know as Ahmad Sanon.
